Monday, January 31, 2011

How to Boost Your Sex Drive Naturally

Low libido in men is quite common. A large number of men lose their appetite for having sex and this could be due to a number of factors.
Here is a brief look at some of such factors:
Stress can affect your body in extreme ways. In fact, it not only takes a toll on your sexual urge but can also lead to erectile dysfunction.
Reduced flow of blood is the root cause of many health problems and disorders including low libido and impotence. Lack of blood flow to the penis often results in erectile failure in men. Blood circulation in your body reduces with age. Not only this, a sedentary lifestyle can also reduce blood circulation in the body.
This is the hormone that controls your sex drive and erectile functions besides many other vital body functions, A drop in testosterone production occurs after the age of 30 and the effects are more evident by the time you reach 40. One of the most evident effects is a drop in libido which often triggers erectile dysfunction.
Boosting libido involves taking care of all the above factors.
First of all, you must try to reduce stress in your life. Learn to take things easy and find some time to relax. Yoga and meditation can also be effective in reducing stress.
Another very important factor to take into account is your sleep. Lack of sleep can build stress and have a negative impact on both your libido and testosterone production. Hence, it is a great idea to sleep for at least 8 hours a day.
Regular exercise is one of the best ways to boost blood circulation in your body. Make it a point to hit the gym at least 4-5 days a week. if you do not like working out, think of it as a therapy.
Besides this, there are some natural or herbal supplements that can be a big help.
Such supplements combine various herbs that have been used for hundreds of years to boost libido and sexual function in men.
Some of the herbs in such supplements include:
  • panax ginseng- It not only increases blood flow throughout the body but also reduces stress. It is also used for treating insomnia.
  • ginkgo biloba- Though it is largely used as a brain tonic, it is a great herb to boost blood flow to the genitals.
  • tribulus terrestris and tongat ali- Both of these are natural testosterone boosters. Not only do they help increase sex drive and ensure powerful erections but also increase your stamina and endurance, This is why they are used by a lot of bodybuilders and athletes.
  • acai berry- It is called the Super Fruit and is a rich combination of antioxidants, essential fats, amino acids, vitamins etc., It speed up your metabolism, increases energy and also boosts libido.
Besides the above, such supplements also contain chase berry, l-arginine, muira pauma, DHEA etc.,Top notch supplements are clinically approved and do not have any side effects. This is why men are buying them in huge numbers.

Women's Low Libido - Causes of Low Libido and How to Increase it Quickly and Naturally

Many women suffer from low libido at some point in their lives and the good news is most women can boost their libido quickly and naturally but using a combination of herbs which are enclosed...
So what are the main causes of women's low libido? The causes are listed below and are both physical and mental and they need to be healed to increase sexual desire.
Here are the common problems that cause lack of sexual desire.
Your blood circulation is the foundation your sexuality is built on and most women with libido problems have poor blood circulation. For sexual desire and satisfaction, you must have strong blood to the sex organs on arousal.
Low levels of estrogen in the body, can not only cause low libido, low levels of estrogen, can also make intercourse uncomfortable or painful.
Testosterone levels also have an affect on sexual desire and while many view it as male sex chemical only, it's also vital for women. If they do not have sufficient testosterone libido and desire fall.
The mind also plays a key role and stress, fatigue and anxiety all diminish a woman's libido. It is important that you have nourished mind with correct hormonal balance to focus on and enjoy sex.
Herbs can increase libido because you are what you eat and if you feed your body the right nutrients, your overall wellness and sexual heath will improve.
The fist herb we will look at is one that is considered the perfect herb for women -
Dong Quai.
This herb helps to balance both estrogen and blood sugar levels in the body and is also a great blood circulation tonic. It is taken frequently by women suffering PMT symptoms or to combat the menopause. It is packed with nutrients which benefit women's overall physical and mental health.
Satavri Extract (Asparargus Recemosus)
Shatavri strengthens muscle tone, moistens dry tissues of the sexual organs increases overall body strength. Shatavri also helps to increase levels of testosterone in the body. The herb works safely and naturally to produce testosterone and with no side effects (such as facial hair, low voice, etc) women can suffer from, when taking testosterone replacement therapy.
Avena Sativa
Avena Sativa helps put you in the mood for sex and will help you relax and at the same time, enhances sensitivity in the vagina.
Schisandra is taken to treat with menopausal symptoms. The herb also boosts blood flow to the female pelvic region.
Ginkgo Biloba
Ginkgo helps fight the effects of aging, combats fatigue and boosts energy. Ginkgo increases blood flow throughout the body and to the sex organs. It also increases metabolism efficiency, regulates neurotransmitters and acts as a brain tonic.

Friday, January 28, 2011

Low Libido Causes in Men

It is not just women who face libido problems. A vast majority of men also experience a drop in their libido or sex drive as they get older and there can be many reasons behind this.
Low Libido Causes in Men
Here are some of the most common causes of low libido in men:
1. Low Testosterone Levels
Testosterone is the principle sex hormone in men and its secretion begins slowing down with age. This is likely to trigger a sequence of body and behavioral changes and the most prominent among such changes is a drop in your sexual appetite. Not only this, it is also followed with erectile dysfunction which can put any man under a lot of stress.
2. Stress
Stress is your biggest enemy as far as your overall and sexual health is concerned. It makes you feel worn out and leaves you with little energy to desire sex. Not only this, it also raises the level of Cortisol in blood which affects testosterone production adversely.
3. Lack of Sleep
This is another factor that affects libido in men. Sleep deprivation is one of the major causes of increased stress. Sooner or later, it is likely to affect your sexual desire.
4. Relationship Conflicts
Relationship problems or marital discord is another factor that can affect libido in both men and women. State of your mental well being plays a very important role in determining your sex drive.
5. Work Pressure
Working for long hours can leave you drained out. Fatigue and lack of sleep can further build up stress. This can simply kill your libido.
6. Too Much Alcohol
Alcohol abuse is another factor that can destroy your sex life. Alcohol is a suppressant. Though it can make you lose all you lose all your inhibitions, it can lower your libido and also lead to erectile dysfunction. Alcohol increases estrogen level in your body that affects testosterone negatively.
Not only this, there are many other factors that can affect libido in men. They include obesity and being over weight, past sexual abuse and trauma, depression, diabetes, certain medications etc., like antidepressants etc.,
How to Increase Sex Drive in Men
Eliminating the above factors can help boost libido in men. A physically active lifestyle and stress free living can go a long way in keeping your sexual desire intact.
Try to reduce stress in life by taking out some time for yourself. Just do what you enjoy doing. Go for a swim or a walk. Practice yoga or meditation.
Not only this, regular exercise can also be a great way to boost libido or sex drive in men. It not only reduces stress but also helps boost blood flow to the penis which is great for both your libido and erectile function.
Furthermore, there are some natural libido supplements that are great to boost sex drive in men.
Such supplements combine a whole lot of natural ingredients such as herbs, amino acids and minerals that not only increase blood flow to the penis but also stimulate testosterone production in your body.
Some of the best supplements use ingredients such as ginkgo biloba, muira pauma, tribulus terrestris, tongat ali, l-arginine etc. Such supplements not only help increase your sexual appetite but also ensure powerful and longer lasting erections. They also boost your stamina. Another advantage of such supplements is that they can also stimulate the production of HGH which helps your body fight and reverse age effects.

Low Sex Drive Supplements For Men

You are over 40 and have lost most of your interest in having sex. Not only this, you also face erectile problems. You are irritable and experience mood swings. Your energy levels are much lower than what they used to be and your weight is increasing rapidly specially around the waist etc.,
All the above mentioned are the consequences of a drop in your male hormone Testosterone.
Testosterone production peaks during puberty but it begins waning off after the age of 30. One of the most significant effects of a drop in testosterone levels is low libido and erectile dysfunction. Other causes of a drop in sex drive in men include reduced blood flow to the penis due to physical inactivity etc., Excessive smoking and drinking alcohol are some of the other factors that can also lead to a plunge in libido and lead to impotence in men.
Low sex drive supplements for men not only aim at enhancing blood flow to the penis but also boost testosterone production in your body.
Such supplements are a rich blend of age proven herbs and other natural ingredients like minerals and amino acids that give a boost to your sexual appetite and erectile function.
Some of the most effective and natural ingredients used in high quality supplements include tribulus terrestris, tongat ali, panax ginseng, ginkgo biloba, muira pauma, acai berry, chaste berry. l-arginine, DHEA etc.,
Tribulus Terrestris and Tongat Ali are natural testosterone boosters. Both these herbs have been used since a long time to enhance stamina and endurance in men. But more importantly, such herbs are highly effective in increasing testosterone secretion in your body. Tribulus is also called Yellow Vine or the Puncture Vine. It makes your pituitary gland increase its production of Lutenizing Hormone which stimulates the production of testosterone in the testes.
Other herbs like panax ginseng and ginkgo biloba are extremely effective in increasing blood flow to the penis. This is one of the main reasons they are used as sexual enhancers.
Muira Pauma is a great aphrodisiac. Acai berry is the most effective antioxidant. Not only does it help burn fat and make you lose weight but also helps enhance your sex drive or low libido.
Top of the line supplements are clinically approved and free of side effects. Such supplements not only increase testosterone secretion in your body but also stimulate growth hormone so that you can get more HGH in the most natural way possible. This helps reduce age effects and can help take away decades form your body.

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Low Libido Cures

It is not uncommon for men to experience a dip in their sex drive as they age. Here are some of the reasons of low libido in men:
  • Emotional or Psychological reasons: Mental state and well being not only affects sexual function in women but also in men. Stress or depression is a major deterrent to sex drive in men. Living in a fast pace world takes a toll on your sexual health and there are times when you do not even think of having sex. Moreover, stress hormone or Cortisol affects testosterone levels negatively which inevitably lowers sexual appetite and can also trigger erectile dysfunction in men.
  • Poor Blood Circulation- Good blood flow to the genitals is the a prerequisite for a healthy sex drive and proper sexual function in men. Blood flow gets affected negatively with age and this has a direct negative impact on your sex drive and the capacity to have hard and firm erections.
  • Low Nitric Oxide Levels- Nitric Oxide is the chemical that is released in the walls of the blood vessels that supply blood to the genitals when you get sexually excited. The main function of nitric oxide is to allow penis muscles to relax so that blood vessels can dilate or open up and let more blood flow into the penis so that it can swell and get an erection. The secretion of nitric oxide declines with age and this can lead to erectile dysfunction.
  • Low Testosterone Levels- Testosterone is the hormone that makes men men. The production of this hormone begins declining after the age of 30 at about 1-2% a year. Though this decline in gradual, the effects can be felt profoundly by the time you reach 40 and the most striking effects of this decline is a reduced sex drive and erectile dysfunction.

So how do you combat the above?Though changes in diet and regular exercise can help improve blood circulation and enhance your sex drive, there are a couple of herbs that can prove helpful. Some of them have been listed below:
Ginseng was first discovered about 2000 years ago in China and has been used ever since not just as a sexual stimulant but also as a energizer for the whole body. This herbs forms and integral ingredient in many natural medicines that are used to treat sexual dysfunction.
Ginkgo is another herb which is largely used as a brain tonic. However, it also improves oxygenation and increase blood circulation in the body. This is why it used to enhance sex drive and overcome erectile dysfunction.
Tribulus Terrestris
Tribulus Terrestris is known to improve sexual desire, performance and improve overall energy levels. It is used to treat premature ejaculation and impotence the world over. Moreover, it is known to increase Lutenizing Hormone in your body which tells your body to increase the production of testosterone.
Muira Pauma
This one is more often called the Potency Wood. This herb comes from Brazil and is increasingly used in treatment for erectile dysfunction in South American medicine. Studies have shown improvement in reproductive system function, adrenal stress, cardiovascular system function, central nervous system activity, renal activity, and thyroid stress.
There are many other herbs that have a proven track record of being highly resourceful in enhancing sexual function in men.
This is why herbal or natural supplements that combine the power of herbs and other natural ingredients like amino acids and minerals have become immensely popular. There are some high quality supplements that can be extremely effective and are clinically approved and free from all kinds of side effects.

Women's Low Libido Solutions

Women's low libido is not necessarily indicative of any psychological or medical abnormality. A recent report from the NYU medical center reveals that in a large number of cases, low libido may simply be due to the presence of too much fat in the body.
Being overweight can cause fatty tissue to build up in the tiny blood vessels leading to the clitoris and resulting in a blockage of blood flow. (Pelvic and Sexual Health Institute of Graduate Hospital in Philadelphia) This causes the clitoris, that area of the vagina most closely related to sexual response, to become unresponsive, resulting in women's low libido.
One extremely effective method therefore to deal with and improve women's low libido is to reduce the amount of fatty tissue in the body.
A further indication that women's low libido can be corrected through weight loss is the fact that the more body fat you have, the higher your levels of SHBG (short for sex hormone binding globulin), a chemical which binds itself to the sex hormone testosterone. Doctors believe that the more testosterone there is bound up with SHBG, the less testosterone there will be available to stimulate desire. The result: women's low libido.
If your sexual relationship with your husband is as important to you as it should be, take heart! There are so many methods available for dealing with this problem that women's low libido should no longer interfere with your sex life.
Before you spend your money on expensive hormone treatments and doctor bills, take the easier and less risky route: lose a few pounds of body fat.
The quickest and easiest way to lose body fat is to create a calorie deficit, that is, burn more calories than you take in. Simply increase your physical activity and eat smarter.
Aerobic exercise, any exercise that increases heart rate and oxygen intake for a sustained period of 20-30 minutes, is the best fat burner around. The easiest aerobic exercise is brisk walking. Yes, simply walking! You can handle that, right? Now foods...
There are dozens of diet planning software programs on the market. Get one and use it. One of the absolute best is the Strip That Fat diet planner.
Women's low libido no longer has to be a problem for you. Everything has been laid out for you! You walk, you eat, you lose weight. Think you can handle that? Turn off the lights, light the candles and say goodbye to women's low libido. Your life is about to change.
With the Strip That Fat diet and exercise program you choose the foods that you want to eat, plug them into the system and your diet will be created for you. This tool includes both a printable shopping list and a printable diet outline. You can create as many completely unique diets as you want with no quantity restrictions with this amazing software.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Twelve causes of Low Libido

Knowing libido problem, there are several factors that can lead to Low Libido and they include;
  1. Fatigue. This is a problem that can cause the body to be tired causing the decrease in sex desire making one not to be able to have sex intercourse.
  2. Hormone changes. During pregnancy the hormones in the body experience imbalance making it to decrease the woman libido.
  3. Surgery. Having to go through surgeries such as mastectomy and TAHBSO, they affect the sexual desire of a woman making it difficult to enjoy sex life.
  4. Medical condition. Low libido in women will mostly be affected by several diseases such as heat and kidney problem. Obesity is also the main cause of libido in women since a lot of fats in the body.
  5. Sexual conditions. When you experience pain during sexual intercourse or you fail to perform an organism it affects the body by lowering the level of libido.
  6. Low esteem and poor body image. Many women who do not appreciate their bodies the way it is will be the most affected since they will not be able to perform due to decrease of libido in them.
  7. Depression. This is brought about by anxiety and decreases so much the sex life of women as well as their performance.
  8. Sexual abuse. Many women who have experience sexual abuse like rape it causes trauma to them making it difficult for them to perform during the sexual intercourse. This however will be much hard to treat.
  9. Relationship problems. This problem is mostly brought about by conflicts and other misunderstanding in relationships. This will affect a woman and bring down the level of libido.
  10. Drugs and alcohol. High consumption of alcohol or drugs relates issue will eventually lead to low libido to women.
  11. Latent lesbianism. Practicing lesbianism will make you loose interest for your partner making it difficult for you to enjoy your sex life because it reduces the level of libido.
  12. Medicines. By taking some medicines into your body will definitely reduce the level of libido. Such medicines are like pregnancy control pills thus reduce the sexual desire in a woman.
This problem can prove to be a major challenge to a woman and her partner when it comes to their sex life. But you need not to worry since this problem can be fixed. The best way to take care of Low Libido is by using female libido enhancer. If not you can still use Provestra which is the product used in the market today to cure ther physical causes of Low Libido? With this medication it will boost you back to bed with new found energy.

Supplements for Low Libido problem

So you are suffering from low libido; should you be concerned? This is one question that often plagues the minds of countless of women out there. Apparently yes, there is reason to be concerned when you have a lack of libido because a low libido can cause problems between you and your partner. Thousands of women are also suffering from low libido. Thankfully, you can try certain foods to increase low libido if you are hesitant you may want to consult this problem with your doctor.
A descreasing libido can be a result of many factors. What is good about it is the fact that it can be resolved even if you do not see your doctor regarding this matter. You can try a number of foods that help to increase your craving for sex. Oysters have long been regarded as a sexual stimulant and are therefore highly recommended for people with low libido.
Other foods to increase low libido include creamy textured foods such as avocados and honey, and juicy fruits like strawberries and raspberries. Chocolates, ginger, garlic, spicy foods, and foods that general increase heart rate and blood flow are also said to increase sexual drive.
Nonetheless, it is important to understand that while these foods do help improve your sexual drive, you must couple it with the right attitude. Remember that depression can lower your sexual drive, thus even if you eat all the libido-increasing foods that you can find, you cannot expect to see any marked improvements in your sexual performance. The right attitude is a must to approach this problem positively.
If you make foods to increase libido a part of your daily menu, the road to a satisfying sex life becomes a whole lot easier; and if you want faster results, investing in either one of the following products, HerSolution pills, HerSolution Gel and Vigorelle, is very much encouraged.

Monday, January 24, 2011

Low Libido Problems in women

Low libido's with women is more common than you think. This condition affects women universally and is considered a form of sexual dysfunction. Many mitigating factors can cause this condition and the cause stems from psychological reasons to physical reasons.
This condition affects both men and women more often than one can imagine. Men and women both suffer from low libidos but both experience different treatment strategies in trying to overcome this sometimes shameful problem.
Women are suffering from this condition more commonly within our society and research has shown that a woman will experience a low libido problem even if only minimally once in her life. This condition can stem from numerous issues. As stated earlier in this article both psychological and physical issues can cause this condition.
I would like to discuss the psychological factors which can cause this condition. Some women tire easily and this can therefore cause low libido problems for the woman if experiencing serious fatigue will not have the desire for sex with her partner. Some women suffer from abuse or have suffered from abuse. Stress and depression are very common factors which cause this condition and if a woman is not sure with her sexuality, this can create serious problems within the bedroom.
Physical factors which can greatly influence this condition are numerous. I will touch upon some of the more common physical factors which are associated with female sexual dysfunction and low libido problems. Thyroid problems can be a domino affect of many things and a woman's sex drive is not excluded from being affected by thyroid problems.
Thyroid problems can cause weight gain issues which is more times to none caused by hypothyroidism and weight gain on top of an obvious physical problem such as this is not going to aid a woman in wanting to have sex in fact, this problem will aid the woman in not feeling good about themselves and with self-esteem problems thrown into this mix, it's a no win situation for a woman.
If you are on medications, you should research the side affects associated with the medications which you are currently taking. Some side effects of particular medications do include low libido problems. You will want to discuss this with your medical doctor who can aid you with reviewing other medications which will not include this horrible side affect.
This is a hard thing for anyone to admit but let's face it; if your partner is no longer sexually appealing, women will not have sex with them. This is not unlike what men experience as well. If you are experiencing drug usage, you will want to review your life and make the life changing decision in stopping your illegal drug activity. You can speak to your medical doctor about finding treatment therapies which will not only aid you with your low libido problems but improving the overall aspect of your life.
There are many treatments available for women who suffer from low sex drives. The treatments available can be both non-medical as well as medical. Non-medical treatments can include improving the communication methods between both you and your sexual partner. Institute some life changes will prove positive first and foremost for yourself but your family as a whole. Try gaining the help of a therapist or counselor. Sometimes it aids greatly in having someone from the outside looking in to give you a new prospective.
Low libido problems can stem from medical conditions which are out of your hands. You need to speak frankly and openly with your medical doctor who can aid in developing a treatment plan to address this issue.
Your doctor might recommend Estrogen Therapy which includes usage of creams, gels or tablets. Androgen Therapy is actually male hormones which include testosterone this will over time increase your sex drive. Progestin therapy is a hormone which works with estrogen. This hormone is not only administered strictly for sexual dysfunction in fact, the research is mixed on this particular hormone. You can also try herbal remedies which have been reported as successful in arousing the sex drive of women as well as increasing the ability to orgasm.
There have been many great breakthroughs with research into the libidos of women. The medical community has now embraced this obvious issue with women which are why medical professionals in dealing with the low libido issues of women are seeking more conventional and natural ways. If you are suffering form, low libido issues please seek the help of a medical professional while speaking openly about your signs and symptoms.

Low Libido in Men

If you are a male who has suffered from depression of any duration or strength your physician may well have prescribed anti-depressants to resolve this problem. Unfortunately many of the major brand anti-depressants result in lowered libido and also an inability to achieve or maintain an erection. If this side-effect were mentioned at the time of prescription it would be interesting to see just how many men would go ahead with the medication. It may well sort the serious depression cases from the lighter ones where medication is just inappropriate and overkill.
Doctors nowadays are quick to pull out the prescription pad to resolve any mental problem. This reflects their training. They see all psychological phenomena as resulting from the action of chemicals or neurotransmitters in the brain. The viewpoint implies a totally materialistic view of the world where our emotions and possibly thoughts can be handled with chemicals.
Unfortunately, giving someone a drug does not resolve the cause of the problem. It may well mask the symptom but it will never handle the cause. Perhaps the person is depressed because his marriage is failing. Chemicals won't fix that. He may need to actually do something - takes some positive action to resolve the issues affecting his marriage. He may need to communicate with his spouse and hash out these issues.
Sex drive is a result of hormonal activity in the body. Hormones are chemical messengers that carry communication between different organs in the body. The chemicals contained in anti-depressants have been shown to have a major suppressing effect on these hormones. Of course you may wish to try switching medications, or you could attempt to treat the real cause of your depression, if it still in fact exists and resolve the need for the anti-depressant in the first place.
Be aware that coming off anti-depressants must be done gradually and your body will need good nutrition while you are in this process, especially protein and vitamin C. But many people have successfully achieved this and restored their mental balance naturally.
Sometimes the effects of these drugs take a while to wear off even though you have come off them completely so you may choose to boost your sex drive using a natural supplement that helps to raise your testosterone.

Friday, January 21, 2011

Low libido Treatment

There are many reasons to give rise to the problem of low libido, to alleviate this condition naturally and safely use of herbal supplement is recommended by experts for effective treatment and without any side effects. Lack of desire for sex is referred as low libido, it can affect both males and females, and there are many physical and psychological reasons to initiate and promote this problem. Many times problems in relationship, financial matters, stress, problems related to children or child birth and fear of pregnancy are commonly found reasons for low libido in healthy couples.
Apart from psychological reasons many other disorders, ailments and deficiencies can cause low libido. Women during pregnancy or menopause generally suffer with this problem due to hormonal activity in the body. Lack of sex hormone secretion or production, lack of energy, prostatitis, infections in genitals or reproductive organs, physical weakness causing fatigue, premature ejaculation or erectile dysfunction in males, semen leakage, vaginal dryness and vaginal infections are other reasons to cause low libido in males and females.
Shilajit is the most trusted testosterone supplement for curing all sorts of sexual disorders including problem of low libido. This herb has immense properties to cast positive effects on sexual health and treat the causes like hormonal imbalance, lack of sexual energy, chronic infections and inflammation of organs and glands, this herb is effective in promoting blood flow and enhance mental clarity and alertness. This herb increases the desire for lovemaking and also provides better functioning of reproductive organs and provides extra energy and stamina for better sexual performance. This herb alone can cure the problem of low libido caused due to physical disorders and ailments in the body.
Withania somnifera or ashwagandha is another wonderful herb with wide range of properties to improve sexual and over all health. This herbal supplements improves immunity and metabolism rate to increase energy levels and better functioning of the body organs, it also increases mental activity and improves control over emotions and promotes testosterone secretion in males for increased sexual desire to cure the problem of low libido. Maca roots are also an excellent herbal supplement for curing sexual problems. These roots have rich sources of essential amino acids, and vital minerals like zinc, iron and magnesium and also supplement the body with vitamin B1, B2, C and E. Using maca roots as herbal supplement can help in uplifting functioning of reproductive organs for sound sexual health to cure problem of low libido.
Ginseng has been used in Chinese medication for stimulating testosterone production and its secretion to increase desire for sex and provide energy for better sexual performance and also increases estrogen levels ; it is also helpful in strengthening muscles. Hormone stimulating and strengthening properties makes it a good herbal supplement for curing the problem of low libido. Saw palmetto has properties of tissue rebuilding and toning glands, this property makes it an excellent herb for strengthening reproductive organs and to amplify the effects of other herbs which are used along with this herb. Along with herbal supplements avoiding too much ejaculation by means of unnatural ways, more communicative relationship with the partner, mild exercises and meditation to improve focus and release stress can also help in bringing quicker results. You can trust on herbal supplement Night Fire capsules to increase low libido in men and women.